We pray in the Holy Spirit that East Sunshine Church of Christ creates a culture based on and demonstrated by Christ’s love. We promote a process of discipleship based on the life of Jesus: be with Him, become like Him, and do what He did. We believe this starts with developing relational community within our church as we become disciples who make disciples. We believe baptism is an important part of the discipleship process as the journey with Jesus begins. Our small groups and outreach ministries are vital to being spiritually formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others. We live this out by following the mission of Jesus through domestic and international missions.
Our prayer is to make Jesus the center of all we do at East Sunshine Church of Christ. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Our Beliefs
We believe there is one God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—who is eternal and who created all things.
We believe Jesus died for our sins, was buried, was raised from the dead and returned to heaven to be with the Father.
We believe the Father sent the Son, Jesus Christ, who was God in human form, to establish God’s Kingdom.
We believe salvation is possible only through the gracious work of God, and that people respond to his gift by putting their trust in Jesus, by turning away from their sin, and by being immersed into Christ.
We believe the Father and Son send the Holy Spirit as a gift to live inside those who believe, so that he might transform them into the likeness of Christ.
We believe Christ will return some day.
We believe God reveals the Good News through the Bible,which is his authoritative word for our lives.
We value intentional, inter-generational ministry.
We value authentic relationships based on confession, forgiveness, mercy and grace.
We value flexibility which sees current realities as opportunities to express faith, hope and love.
We value and welcome the leading of the Holy Spirit.
We value people over programs.
We value spiritual formation for the sake of others.