A Christmas Journey – Christmas Program


The Kingdom Kids + YES Crew present their annual Christmas Program filled with music, song and lots of love as they tell the story of  "A Christmas Journey"! Invite your friends and neighbors to experience a wonderful, fun-filled re-telling of the Christmas story with a modern twist. You won't want to miss it!  (Thanks Mallory […]

Blue Christmas – A Service of Comfort and Hope


This is a service of Comfort and Hope for those whose holiday season is difficult because of loss, be it a loved one, a relationship, a job, health, a loss of faith, or loss of joy.  It is an opportunity to focus on the gift of light and hope that God offers to us in […]


Sunday Worship – Advent Week 3

This week, we DELIGHT in a God who moves in triumph. For most of the world, it was a silent night. To a select few it was booming with voices of Heaven proclaiming the Good News and singing Alleluia. Christ the Savior is born. It was the dawn of Redeeming Grace. Join the triumphant songs […]


Sunday Worship – Advent Week 4

This week, we DELIGHT in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We delight as we reflect on who they are and what they have done – all throughout history as well as in our own lives. This week, we DELIGHT in the God who is the source of the purest JOY. […]